Jupyter Notebook Publication

Table of contents

  1. Exporting Notebooks
    1. HTML Export
    2. PDF Export
    3. Markdown Export
  2. Sharing and Hosting
    1. GitHub
    2. Jupyter Notebook Viewer
    3. Binder
    4. Voila
  3. Embedding in Blogs and Websites
  4. Conclusion

Publishing your Jupyter notebooks is an essential step to share your work, collaborate with others, or present your findings to a broader audience. Jupyter offers various ways to publish and share your notebooks, ranging from simple file formats to interactive web applications. In this section, we’ll explore how to publish your Jupyter notebooks effectively.

Exporting Notebooks

Before you can publish your Jupyter notebook, you need to export it into a suitable format. Here are some common export formats:

HTML Export

Exporting your notebook to HTML is one of the simplest ways to share it with others. This format preserves the structure, code, and output cells in a readable document.

To export to HTML:

  • From the Jupyter Notebook interface, select “File” > “Download as” > “HTML (.html)”.

PDF Export

Exporting your notebook to PDF is useful for creating printable or shareable documents. You can use the nbconvert tool to achieve this. First, make sure you have nbconvert installed:

pip install nbconvert

Then, convert your notebook to PDF:

jupyter nbconvert --to pdf your_notebook.ipynb

Markdown Export

If you want a lightweight, text-based format, export your notebook to Markdown. Markdown is widely supported on various platforms and can be easily converted to other formats.

To export to Markdown:

  • From the Jupyter Notebook interface, select “File” > “Download as” > “Markdown (.md)”.

Sharing and Hosting

Once you’ve exported your Jupyter notebook, you can choose how and where to share it:


GitHub is a popular platform for sharing code and documents. You can create a repository for your notebooks, upload them, and view them directly on GitHub. GitHub automatically renders Jupyter notebooks, making them accessible to others.

Jupyter Notebook Viewer

Jupyter Notebook Viewer is an online service that allows you to view any publicly accessible Jupyter notebook hosted on the web. You can simply provide the URL of your notebook, and it will be rendered in a readable format.


Binder is a service that lets you turn a Git repository containing Jupyter notebooks into an interactive environment that others can use without needing to install anything locally. Users can open and run your notebooks in a web browser.


As we will see in the next section, Voila can be used to convert Jupyter notebooks into interactive web applications. You can deploy your notebooks as standalone apps that others can access and interact with through a web browser.

Embedding in Blogs and Websites

If you have a blog or website, you can embed Jupyter notebooks using various tools and libraries, such as:

  • Jupyter nbconvert: Convert your notebook to HTML or other web-friendly formats and embed them in your website.

  • Jupyter Book: Jupyter Book allows you to create interactive books and documents that can include Jupyter notebooks. You can host these books on your website.


Publishing your Jupyter notebooks is crucial for sharing your work and collaborating with others. Whether you choose to export them to common formats, host them on platforms like GitHub, Binder, or Jupyter Notebook Viewer, or create interactive web applications with Voila, Jupyter offers a range of options to suit your publication needs. Select the method that best fits your audience and project requirements to effectively communicate your findings and insights.

Table of contents